Thursday, April 3, 2008

amnesty and 21st century slavery

Call it amnesty or legalization or earned adjustment or regularization or normalization or comprehensive immigration reform, they all refer to the same thing in one way or another -providing legal status to undocumented immigrants. It has been of debate for almost a decade now and you hear these terms more and more everyday. This issue is also at the heart of the US election in 2008.

Don't you think amnesty at it's core is morally wrong? If the US Government starts giving legal status to "illegal" immigrants (note that the stress here is on the word illegal), wouldn't it be unfair to those who are here legally and are waiting for immigrant rights or million others whose immigration files are pending? Also, do not mistake the term legal status when it comes to amnesty. Illegal immigrants do not just want a legal status, they want equal rights to a permanent resident or a citizen.

Granting legal status to 12 million illegal immigrants in the US would be morally wrong and unfair to those who come to this country legally. Is it the fault of the legal immigrants that they did not jump the border or forged papers or stayed beyond their visa? I would bet a fortune, that if these legal immigrants were told they could stay beyond their visa and still become legal in the next few years, more than half of them would rather opt to become illegal than go back to their countries.

Just recently I heard a Latino leader saying that not providing legal status to these 12 million undocumented immigrants is "21 century or modern day slavery". This is the most ridiculous and absurd thing I have heard in a decade. Comparing slavery to illegal immigration is blatant mockery of what African Americans have been through. Were these illegal immigrants tied by ropes and chains and brought to the US against their will? I don't think so. In this case I think it is the US that has become a slave of illegal immigration. The tax dollars of hard working Americans are paying for the health care of illegal immigrants.

Amnesty is a slap in the face of the US immigration system. If the US government starts giving legal status to those who jump across the borders or forge papers or over stay their visa, I do not see why people should wait up to 20 years to come to the US legally. Why not just jump the border? Or get a visitor visa and never go back.

1 comment:

  1. dude....without those illegal immigrants more the 50% of all the restuarants will close down, all restrooms and hotel rooms would stink, the roads would be like the ones we have home....but there will be more likee..the jobs part.
