Saturday, March 29, 2008

the Obama propaganda

Sen. Barack Obama and his campaign have a new propaganda now. The want fighters to quit. It's a race stupid. Hillary has every right and reason to fight till the end. If only New York giants had quit because it seemed almost impossible to score a touchdown in the last 1:15 minutes and with third down and five-yards to go from their own 44 yard line, we would have not seen one of the greatest upsets in the Super Bowl history.

The road for Hillary is steep but not impossible. Of course, Sen. Obama has tried to ensure that it becomes impossible by not allowing Michigan and Florida re vote and playing the 'we abide by party rules' card. But i thought I heard him say in his speeches over and over again that he does not believe in decisions that party bosses make?

So Sen. Obama, if you think you can become the president of the United Stated of America without hearing the vice of two of the largest states - Think Again.

1 comment:

  1. Barack has to abide by PARTY rules if he wants to run on a democratic ticket.

    As far as Michigan and Florida are concerned, they didn't abide by the rules laid down by DNC even though they were aware of the consequences. Allowing their delegates to go to the convention would be unfair to all the states which followed the rules.
