Monday, January 19, 2015

the guy who predicted bursting of the oil bubble!

A lot of people did not know Jesse Colombo till one of the biggest and most accurate predictions of all time came true - bursting of the oil bubble. Jesse Colombo was spot on!

Here are just a couple of reasons why he is one of the best analysts around and examples of how he has always been ahead of the pack -

  1. His biggest and most accurate prediction back in Summer of 2014 about oils prices heading to a bust when other analysts were laughing, disapproving or even calling him out. Reach his articlet on Forbes that he published on June 9, 2014 - 9 Reasons Why Oil Prices May Be Headed For A Bust
  2. He was one of the first ones to connect the dots between commodities such as copper to drop and China's economy. Read his article on Forbes that he published on November 30, 2014 - Is Copper The Next Commodity Shoe To Drop?.
How he does it? Great question. Go follow him on Forbes @ Jesse Colombo or Twitter @TheBubbleBubble and ask him yourself. 

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