Tuesday, March 4, 2014

the road to india 2020, begins in 2014

Many pundits have talked about India in 2020 and what it would be like, what it would have overcome and how it will fare against it's peers?

I believe, and almost everyone else who is familiar with the Indian political climate knows, the answers to questions above are very closely tied to what happens in General Elections 2014. Will Congress be able to continue and pursue it's current agenda for 5 more years, or will BJP take over and paint a completely different India in 2020?

It is a contest unlike any other in recent Indian political history. It is not very often that you get to witness a race that is this close. It is NaMo vs. RaGa, Wisdom vs. Youth (remember, both can be dangerous and powerful in their own way). a nobody that has a proven track record vs. a dynast that has a legacy to maintain, it old school vs. grass roots and the list goes on.

As we start to follow this race closely, we will report topics for braintertainment.

Till then, let the race begin!

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