Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It is still romney's to loose

The citizens of New Hampshire vote today in the New Hampshire primary. I say that New Hampshire is till Romney's to loose because if we go by historical numbers - no statewide elected official from Massachusetts has ever lost the New Hampshire primary in an open field except Romney in 2008. Additionally, after spending millions over ad campaigns, far exceeding that spend by any other candidate in the race, there better be no upsets today.

After his fractional victory in Iowa and the amount of issues that he has to explain to the voters, it is going to be a good fight rather than an out right victory for Romney. This fight is also being fueled by the so called "Huntsman Surge" after a solid debate performance. Per CNN - 'He's an unapologetic fiscal conservative with an impressive executive accomplishment as governor of Utah. He's got unparalleled foreign policy experience as an ambassador in both Republican and Democratic administrations. And almost alone among these GOP candidates, he has refused to pander to the hyper-partisan tide polarizing American politics -- which makes him a strong general-election candidate.'

I feel Santorum is the underdog to watch out for today. How his campaign performs will be something that will pave the way for coming weeks. The other key things to watch out for are - how Ron Paul fares and who all will drop out after today's race. With record number of voters expected, may the best candidate win! 

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